

I. Basic provisions

The administrator of personal data according to Art. 4 point 7 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons in the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data (hereinafter: "GDPR") is a company Mystika Arts and Crafts ID number: 52473805, (hereinafter: "Administrator") .with registered office Švermová 25, 92701 Šala

Administrator contact details:
Address: Mystika Arts and CraftsŠvermová 2592701 Joke

Telephone: +421 949 435 242

Personal data is all information about an identified or identifiable natural person; identifiable natural person is a natural person who can be directly or indirectly identified, in particular by reference to a certain identifier, for example name, identification number, location data, network identifier or one or more factors specific physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social the identity of this natural person.

The administrator did not appoint a commissioner for personal data protection.

II. Sources and categories of processed personal data

The administrator processes personal data provided by you or personal data obtained by the administrator based on the fulfillment of your order.

The administrator processes your identification and contact data and data necessary for the performance of the contract, including the electronic "cookie" file.

If you have subscribed to our newsletter, the Administrator then processes your email address and the time record of when you consented to the sending of commercial offers relating to goods offered in the e-shop

III. Legal reason and purpose of personal data processing

1. The legal reason for the processing of personal data is the fulfillment of the contract between you and the Administrator according to Art. 6 par. 1 letter b) GDPR, the Administrator's legitimate interest in providing direct marketing (especially for sending business announcements and newsletters) according to Art. 6 par. 1 letter f) GDPR, the Administrator's legitimate interest in communications with a potential customer / website visitor after filling out the contact form, Your consent to processing for the purpose of providing direct marketing (especially for sending business announcements and newsletters) according to Art. 6 par. 1 letter a) GDPR in connection with § 7 par. 2 of Act no. 480/2004 Coll., on some information society services in the event that there was no order for goods or services.

2. The purpose of personal data processing is to complete your order and exercise the rights and obligations arising from the contractual relationship between you and the Administrator; when placing an order, personal data are required, which are necessary for the successful processing of the order (name and address, contact), the provision of personal data is a necessary requirement for the conclusion and fulfillment of the contract, without the provision of personal data it is not possible to conclude the contract or fulfill it on the part of the Administrator, sending business announcements and performing other marketing activities, statistical and analytical processing of traffic.

3. The administrator makes automatic individual decisions in accordance with Art. 22 GDPR. You have given your explicit consent to such processing.

IV. Personal data storage period

1. The administrator stores personal data for the period necessary to exercise the rights and obligations arising from the contractual relationship between you and the administrator and to assert claims from these contractual relationships (for a period of 10 years from the termination of the contractual relationship),

for the period before consent to the processing of personal data for marketing purposes is revoked, a maximum of 10 years, if personal data is processed based on consent.

2. After the period of storage of personal data has expired, the Administrator will delete personal data.

V. Recipients of personal data

1. Recipients of personal data are persons participating in the delivery of goods / services / making payments based on the contract, providing e-shop operation services and other services in connection with e-shop operation, providing marketing services.

2. The administrator intends to transfer personal data to countries outside the EU or to an international organization. Recipients of personal data in third countries are providers of mailing services / cloud services.

VI. Your rights

1. Under the conditions set out in the GDPR, you have the right to access your personal data according to Art. 15 GDPR, the right to correct personal data according to Art. 16 GDPR, or restriction of processing according to Art. 18 GDPR, the right to delete personal data according to Art. 17 GDPR, the right to object to processing pursuant to Art. 21 GDPR and the right to data portability according to Art. 20 GDPR, the right to withdraw consent to processing in writing or electronically to the administrator's address or email listed in Art. III of these conditions.

2. You also have the right to file a complaint with the Office for Personal Data Protection if you believe that your right to personal data protection has been violated.

VII. Terms of personal data security

1. The administrator declares that he has taken all appropriate technical and organizational measures to secure personal data.

2. The Administrator has taken technical measures to secure data storage and storage of personal data in paper form, especially security of physical documents, technical security of data storage, encryption, antivirus programs, backups and others.

3. The administrator declares that only persons authorized by him have access to personal data.

VIII. Final provisions

By submitting an order from the online order form, you confirm that you are familiar with the terms of personal data protection and that you accept them in their entirety.

You agree to these terms and conditions by ticking the consent through the internet form. By checking consent, you confirm that you are familiar with the terms of personal data protection and that you accept them in their entirety.

The administrator is authorized to change these conditions. It will publish the new version of the personal data protection conditions on its website and at the same time send you the new version of these conditions to your e-mail address that you provided to the administrator.

These terms and conditions take effect on 9/12/2021